Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Start

I had no intention of setting off on this incredible journey. None at all. I was more on a journey to improve my health. My stomach had been bothering me for some time and I had the routine tests completed and all of them were negative. At first I thought it was just me and I was about to give up on feeling better. But as my symptoms got worse and were interrupting my life, I decided it was time for a colonoscopy. No one wants a colonoscopy or to go through the prep but for me, it was no worse than what I was already going through and if it could bring me resolution to my condition, it was worth it.
So, on July 19, I had a colonoscopy at age 37. I fully planned for the doctor to tell me they didn't see anything during the colonoscopy. Instead, a rectal mass was found. Rectal mass? How is this possible? I couldn't believe the news. I was too young and too healthy to have a mass. The next couple of days were crazy with blood work and CT scans and a doctor's appointment with a colon-rectal surgeon. After seeing the surgeon, things seemed much calmer. It was 50/50 chance it would be cancer. The mass would be removed and further pathology would be completed to obtain a final diagnosis.
On July 26, I had surgery to remove the mass. I was fully prepared for the mass to not be cancer and for this to be the end of the journey. I was shocked to find out I had cancer. Shocked. I never thought it was possible. It just couldn't be. Once the news settled, there was a discussion on the treatment plan. The treatment takes about 9 months. 6 weeks of chemo and radiation, resting for 10 weeks and then surgery to remove the cancerous area. Then more chemo and more surgery 12 weeks after the first surgery. It was almost too much to absorb. In fact, I barely remember anything the surgeon told me beyond I have cancer.
So now I am on an incredible journey. One that I had never intended to take off on, but one I will embrace and attack in the same manner I do anything else in life. I'll take it one day at a time and do my best to get through it. I am sure there will be ups and downs and everything in between. This blog is about my incredible journey.


  1. Hi Carol! Jen here - I haven't chatted with you in a while. I'm not sure what to say - I'll be thinking of you. If there is anything I can do to assist you on your journey, don't be afraid to ask.

  2. Good Luck Carol!! You are in my thoughts and prayers!!! We are all here for you! Tonya

  3. Good luck Carol!!! I know you'll just amaze us all with how well a cancer recovery can be, just as long as you put the plan in place and have all the right tools.

  4. Carol, always thought you were an amazing women, this journey will prove that correct when you kick cancer with your plan. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. JoAnn
