Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Great to be Home!

Yesterday was a very long day but it was well worth it to finally be home.  I found out early in the morning that I would be discharged but I didn't get home until 4 pm.  The first thing I did when I got home was to take a very long shower.  In fact, I drained the hot water tank.  It felt so good to shower again.  It was like the first shower after finishing chemo.

It was heavenly to sleep in my own bed last night and not get woken for another shot or vitals signs.  It was also nice to have some food that actually tasted good.  I am still on a soft diet but at least my food had some flavor.  Although I will continue on a soft diet for a couple of weeks, it's really not so bad.  I mean, how can ice cream and pudding be bad?

So my tasks for the week are to make sure I get plenty of fluids, continue to recover, walk, and just relax.  I think that is manageable!

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