Thursday, January 12, 2012

More Chemo, Here I come!

I had my appointment with the oncologist yesterday.  I had long known about the discussion I would be having with him.  I am being treated as though I have stage III cancer though we will never know for sure if I did or not.  Having the negative pathology from my surgery questions whether this second round of chemo is really needed or am I being over treated.  Although the doctors involved in my care of discussed this issue numerous times, I decided long ago that I wanted to do the full treatment.  I wanted to know for myself that I did everything I could to rid my body of cancer and hopefully prevent if from ever coming back.  I believe four months of chemo and potentially feeling yucky is worth the extra assurance that the cancer is really gone.

I also had to break it to my oncologist that I wanted to have my chemo treatments at the hospital's infusion center, and not his own infusion center.  It didn't really seem to bother him at all which made me feel a lot better.  I didn't have the best of experiences at his infusion center despite writing a letter outlining all the ways they could improve.  I know the grass isn't always greener but I know it can't be any worse.  Knowing that I have to sit at the infusion center this time for four hours each treatment, I want the best possible environment to spend my time.

So the start date is January 25, just the way I wanted it.  If all goes well, I will be finished up the first week in May.  Finishing up at that time is perfect as kayaking begins then.  About a month after chemo, I can have the reversal surgery and hopefully check this journey off as being completed!

1 comment:

  1. You are a strong woman and very inspirational. Alesia Conley
