Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I haven't got Time for the Pain

Life is good without treatments.  All of the side effects have slowly faded away and with that my energy has slowly returned.  I'm getting back to my usual routine with exercise in the morning and plenty to do after work each night.  The weekends are packed with fun things to do as well.  Everything is great, right?  Well, not exactly.

Last week my legs were really painful.  I thought it was just from over doing it with exercise but things just weren't quite right.  Then I had these red spots on my legs.  At first I thought a bug had a feast on me one night while in bed but the spots were getting bigger and bigger.  Finally on Friday, I had enough of the spots and pain and when to see my PCP.  Turns out I'm having some sort of side effect/reaction to a virus, they think.  So, I had some blood work and will have to see if I have caught some crazy virus.  I'm told the achy legs and spots can last anywhere from 2 - 6 weeks.

I was frustrated with this new issue.  After all, I have just a small window to have some fun and build back my strength.  At some point, I realized I still have my window and it will be what I want it to be.  I could lay around and complain or I could take some Motrin and keep going.  I am sure it is no surprise I have selected the latter.  After all, there are only so many more days left to kayak and Halloween comes just once a year!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Eight Weeks of Fun

Well, eight weeks from today, I will have my surgery.  That means 8 weeks of lots of fun.  That is if my swimming coach doesn't kill me first!  Swim practice was more like boot camp than swim practice.  I never really enjoy sprint day but today was just over the top.  We had to get out of the pool and do push ups every so many laps and of course it got progressively harder.  Well, I did say I wanted to get back in shape!

So, what am I going to do with my free time?  Well, I went kayaking yesterday in the rain and I have a couple more weeks to do that.  I plan to do some hiking to check on the fall follage.  I have some more Pitt football games to attend and a couple of basketball games too!  Lots of time with friends doing fun things like a corn maze at night, cookie baking, Turkey Fry, cake baking, and a wedding to name a few!

My surgeon told me a while ago to just "Ride the Wave."  I was a little insulted when he told me this but I heeded his advice and I am glad I did.  I think just rolling with what life throws you and not getting overly upset or stressed makes life a bit more enjoyable.  Sure, I still make my own choices and am the captain of my own ship but the ship sails much better when you ride the waves and don't buck the tide....

Monday, October 10, 2011

Back in the Pool!

Ahhh.  Nothing like swimming!  I had the best time swimming this morning.  Some may call it exercise.  I call it heaven!  I couldn't help but chuckle to myself today while swimming lap after lap.  Six months ago I was grumbling and complaining about each lap and my coach making me swim faster intervals.  Today I was just thrilled to be in the water.  I was singing in my head, "I'm swimming!, I'm swimming!"  My coach could have told me I had to do 20 sprints and I wouldn't have cared.  I was just so happy to be back to one of my most favorite things to do.

I was also happy to see my old swimming buddies.  It was like I never left.  I was a little apprehensive to start swimming.  I thought for sure I would jump in and sink to the bottom and need to be rescued (ignore the fact that I can stand up in the pool).  Anyway, my coach asked me what I wanted to do.  I said I would just tag along in my lane and see what I can do.  Well, I did the whole set my lane did and it felt fantastic! We did 2000 meters today.  Usually we swim 2400 meters on distance day so I'm feeling good about only being 400 meters short on my first day back.  I'm also quite sure I will be sleeping well tonight and will be a little sore tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Free At Last

Today was another great day!  I was disconnected from my pump today.  As a good friend of mine called it, Mr. Pump-ectomy!  It's weird to not have to make sure I have my pump with me every time I get up.  Even sitting at my desk, I didn't get up to do something because I didn't feel like dragging the pump around.  Then I realized, there is no pump to drag anymore.  Very exciting!

I was in and out of the infusion center fast this morning.  I couldn't help but smile and be cheerful.  I am free!  Tomorrow morning will be the longest hot shower ever.  I can't wait to wash my hair and condition it and just stand and let the water run.  No Glad Press n' Seal and no being attached to the pump.  I can't wait!  Beyond the shower, I hope to swim on Thursday even if it's just a lap or two.  I can't wait to get back to my normal routine!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Cold, Rainy Weekend - Perfect!

The weather has not been the greatest.  My friends are complaining that summer is over and we won't see the sun again until next May.  Well, the bad weather worked out well for me.  I was able to get plenty of rest this weekend.  Nothing like sleeping in on a cold, rainy morning.  The sun isn't shining to wake you and the sound of rain helps to just fall off to sleep.  Since it was so nasty out, I really didn't go out much this weekend except to treat myself to a pedicure for finishing up radiation treatment.

It's hard for me to believe that I actually enjoyed a weekend with no plans, but I did.  I didn't feel too great all weekend so I'm glad I didn't have much to do.  Curled up on the couch with a blankie watching TV was nice.  I didn't even feel like doing a puzzle or anything.  I guess sometimes it's good just to do nothing.  I am hoping by next weekend I will start to get my energy back as well as my appetite.  Although laying around this weekend felt good, I'm not sure for how much longer I will enjoy it!