Thursday, September 29, 2011

Diagnosis: You're Great!

I am wrapping up my radiation treatments.  Tomorrow is the last day.  I can't believe it!  The 28 treatments actually went very quickly.  As I have mentioned before, the radiation staff has been outstanding.  Everyday they start my day with a smile.  No matter how tired I am or I don't feel well, I can't help but feel better just interacting with the staff.

I wanted to get the team something special for doing such a great job.  As a nurse myself, I knew homemade food was not the way to go.  Flowers are nice but they stay at the hospital and no one gets to enjoy them.  I'm sure they get lots of candy.  I wanted to do something different so I decided to go with a cookie bouquet.  It was so cute with a bunch of bears dressed in hospital clothing and one cookie that said, "Diagnosis: You're Great!" 

When I went for my treatment today, all but 2 cookies were gone.  They were saving one for my doctor and the other one was probably going to be split during their break today.  I'm really glad they enjoyed their surprise.  They definitely deserved it!  Radiation plays a major, but short role in many oncology treatment plans.  They often don't get to see the happy endings and patients feeling their best.  I wanted to make sure they were acknowledged for all their hard work and their great attitude.

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