Friday, September 30, 2011

I'm Done

Today I finished my radiation treatment!  I made it all the way through with no breaks.  28 treatments done!  No more early morning trips to the hospital.  I can get back to the things I enjoy, especially swimming once the chemo is disconnected.

The staff at the radiation center were amazing, of course.  Everyone there knew it was my last day and wished me luck and was so excited.  I felt like I needed to be wearing a cap and gown!  I cannot put in words the elation I feel to be done.  I knew I was excited to be done, but never thought I would feel like I do now.  I know it will take a couple of weeks to recover but just knowing nothing will be contributing any longer to making me feel worse is an amazing feeling

I celebrated this morning with Dunkin' Donuts hot chocolate and a chocolate kreme filled doughnut.  Hopefully I won't pay for it later!  My big plans for the weekend are to relax and get some rest.  Even though I had my last treatment this morning, the effects will linger on for several days.  More celebration to come when I'm feeling more like myself!


  1. Sooooo happy for you! I can't wait until you're feeling your normal self again. You've been handling this like a champ!

  2. Wonderful news! (Alesia Conley)
