Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Power of the Shower

I have always known the healing power of the shower.  When I was growing up and didn't feel well enough to go to school, my mom always made me take a shower before making the call to stay home.  If after taking a shower I still didn't feel well, then I could stay home.  Honestly, I can't remember a time when I took a shower and ended up staying home.  There is just something about a nice, warm, long shower to make you feel better.

Over the last five days, I had a dressing over my port and couldn't get it wet.  The nurse at the hospital encouraged me to try Glad Press and Seal wrap to keep my dressing dry.  That stuff is AMAZING.  It sticks right to your skin and the dressing and kept everything dry.  Still, I couldn't really move my arm that well and I was trying not to get the area too wet so there was no standing around in the shower.  That was until this morning.  The dressing came off last night and I took the longest shower this morning.  It felt sooo good!

I know once I start chemo, I'll have six weeks of showering with Glad Press and Seal and trying not to get the pump wet.  Let's just say I will be taking long showers until that day comes.  And the day the chemo is over, I am sure I will drain the hot water tank!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like we should plan a hot tub party immediately!
